Oscar & Daniel & Pascal

There once was a boy who loved a girl, who thought they would end up getting married. But the boy fell in love with her brother, and ended up getting married to him. This story has a happy ending, and the girl actually forgave him and even came to their wedding.
Both of the boys are from Mexico, one being an artist and the other one a scientist, and came to live in Berlin. The scientist met a German boy at the university where he worked, and started to like him. His husband of 13 years liked him too. So the three of them started spending a lot of time together, and before you know it, they were all in a relationship together.
They cook together, watch Daniel paint, spend time at the university, go out, spend time with friends, anything that “normal” “couples” do. at first, it was slightly difficult to find a balance. The third person being the exciting shiny new thing, but also being insecure because the other two obviously share a very deep bond, forged for over a decade. But with open communication and trust, and tequila, they found a natural way to make it work. They share their time, their stories, and their friends.
They have a very tender way of speaking with one another, all make fun of each other, and teach each other new things. They now go on holidays together, have all spent time with the families in mexico together, and are now facing the struggle of tripple long-distance. Daniel working on his art in Mexico, Oscar working in Berlin, and Pascal working in Brazil for a while. But they meet up whenever and wherever they can and will surely spend a lot more time together in the future. Maybe in Mexico, maybe in Berlin, maybe both.
©Julia Liebisch Peschl 2018 ♥ Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung
Webdesign: Lera Nicoletti